What is BCM?
The Baptist Collegiate Ministry at USNA is a community of Midshipmen who worship Jesus together on Tuesday nights at 1900 in Mitscher.
BCM House
Located in Downtown Annapolis, the BCM House is the place to hang out with your company mates and other members of the BCM family. Anytime you are on liberty or leave, feel free to come over! Read More →
Moving to a new duty station? On a summer training block in a new area? Connect with BCM Alumni and Gospel-centered churches here. Read More →
Today’s Midshipmen,
Tomorrow’s Officers.
BCM exists to make disciples who make disciples to impact the Navy/Marine Corps for the glory of God

Donate to the mission.
You can make the difference. The BCM operates by the gracious gifts from parents, friends and alumni. Every donation is tax deductible.
The BCM Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization. You will receive a contribution summary in January. 100% of your support goes directly to providing Bible Study materials, evangelism training, fall/spring retreats, and great events at the BCM House. We need your help!
Disclaimer: Navy BCM is the trade name of the Annapolis Area Baptist Student Union Alumni Association INC. It is a 501(c)3 that is not affiliated with the United States Naval Academy.